Shine a Light on Team Pink

Chloe Keith

Managing Director

How long worked at Toolbox?
Since January 2012, so almost 12.5 years!

What made you choose a career in placemaking?
I moved to Toolbox from another local marketing agency due to my love of shopping, and from there my involvement in the placemaking world has grown!

Elle Cade

Content Manager

How long worked at Toolbox?
I started in October 2021. Almost 3 years!

What made you choose a career in placemaking?
I joined Toolbox as my 2nd job after university because I wanted a career where my creativity could shine. Plus, I’m obsessed with shopping and exploring new places, so this job was the perfect fit!

Georgie Fairweather

Account Manager

How long worked at Toolbox?
Since September 2022, so two years this month!

What made you choose a career in placemaking?
By creating vibrant and inclusive spaces, I can contribute to the overall wellbeing of a community. Whether it’s organising events, supporting tenants, or enhancing the atmosphere of my centres, I love making a positive difference!

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