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The Power Of Video

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Transform your destination with the power of video

It’s no surprise that videos have become extremely popular over the last couple of years and are now the leading choice for content consumption.  With the average person predicted to spend 100 minutes per day watching online videos in 2022* It is essential to include video content in your marketing plans for the year.

We really enjoy creating video content, here are a few of our favourites;

1) Illuminate, London Wetland Centre

2) Culver Square, Colchester 

3) Castle Quarter, Norwich

4) St Georges, Harrow 

5) Elwick Place, Ashford


 ViewsEngage-mentsImpressionsClicksVTRFootfall YOY
Illuminate 102,0004,774696,0003,41015.59%n/a
Culver Square47,5241,231100,83183046.42%+19.13%
Castle Quarter38,90767896,10053239.6%+20.5%
St Georges10,72453106694836%+11.8%
Elwick Place2,046429N/AN/AN/A+39.8%
Seaway 4,50011N/AN/AN/AN/A

Top ten reasons why you should use video content: 

  1. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million
  2. Video shows great ROI – brands who use video enjoy 41% more web traffic from search engines than ones that don’t
  3. Video builds trust – 52% of shoppers admit watching product videos makes them feel more confident to place an order
  4. Video increases organic traffic by 157% increase in organic traffic for your landing pages
  5. Video boosts conversions and sales – adding a product video on your landing page can increase conversions by 80%. 
  6. Google loves videos – videos allow you to increase the time spent by visitors on your site. Longer exposure builds trust and signals search engines that your site has good content. 
  7. Video appeals to mobile users – video and mobile go hand in hand. YouTube reports mobile video consumption rises 100% every year. Since people like to watch videos on the go your video audience keeps getting bigger and bigger. 
  8. Video Marketing can explain everything – ‘how to’ videos are really popular. 98% of users say they’ve watched an explainer video to learn more about a product or service. 
  9. Video engages even the laziest buyers as it’s super easy to consume. Today’s life is too busy to have time to read long product descriptions or dig deep into services. The modern customer wants to see the product in action. This is one of the most important driving forces of video advertising.
  10. Social networks encourage video content. YouTube is the second most popular social network in the world. However, in a social media context, video marketers must remember that people share emotions, not facts. 76% of users say they would share a branded video with their friends if it was entertaining. So create fun entertaining videos to encourage social shares. 

*Sources of statistics:

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