The Future of Mixed-Use Destinations: A New Relationship for Leisure and Retail

Last week, Team Toolbox had the pleasure of attending The Leisure Property Forum’s Annual Drinks event at Gravity Max Stratford. Hosted in this exciting and experiential leisure hub, we heard from Co-Owner, Michael Harrison, who shared some compelling insights about the evolving relationship between leisure and retail within mixed-use destinations. Our Account Director, Tom Tawell, unpicks the key takeaways.

  1. Leisure: No Longer Playing Second Fiddle

For years, leisure took a backseat to retail and F&B in mixed-use developments, often tucked away on higher floors or less prominent areas. But as Michael asserted, that era has passed. In today’s market, leisure experiences are just as much of a draw as shopping and dining. It’s now essential not only to seamlessly integrate them into a destination’s offering but to actively promote them as key attractions that drive footfall and elevate the visitor experience.

  1. The Footfall-Driving Power of Experiential Leisure

Michael shared an impressive statistic from the launch of Gravity Max Wandsworth at Southside Shopping Centre, revealing that footfall increased by over 40% following the introduction of experiential leisure. It’s a clear sign that leisure isn’t just a supplementary feature – it’s a driving force for enticing more visitors to a destination, which in turn benefits surrounding retail and F&B establishments.

  1. Leisure and Retail: A Joined-Up Ecosystem

One of the most thought-provoking ideas from the evening was the example of a true synergy between leisure and retail. Imagine winning vouchers in an arcade that can be redeemed throughout a destination. This encourages people to visit the arcade for a chance to win, while the rewards motivate them to explore and make purchases elsewhere, increasing both their dwell time and overall spend. As Michael pointed out, today’s consumers want to have fun while making their money go further, so by stretching their pound with experiences that merge leisure and retail, we’re not just entertaining them – we’re adding real value.

  1. A Shared Vision for the Road Ahead

The key takeaway from the event was the need for a unified vision. Leisure, retail, and F&B no longer exist in silos; instead, they should be seen as extensions of one another. As Michael succinctly put it, “We’ve all got to share a vision and think outside the box.”

At Toolbox, we couldn’t agree more. The future of mixed-use destinations lies in this collaborative, innovative approach where leisure and retail work hand in hand to deliver a dynamic, engaging experience for visitors. It’s this kind of forward-thinking approach that will keep customers coming back for more, ensuring that places and spaces are alive and thriving.  

Ready to take your destination to the next level?

At Toolbox, we specialise in creative solutions that drive footfall and deliver results through strategic marketing and vibrant placemaking. Contact us today to see how we can work together to help your destination reach its full potential. 


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